360Cities panoramic images now loading faster than ever before

Nobody likes to wait for panoramic images to load. At 360Cities, we strive to ensure that the awesome panoramic images of our unique community load as quickly as possible. One of the ways to obtain higher transfer speeds and reduce latency is by implementing a Content Delivery Network. A Content Delivery Network (CDN) means a distributed architecture of servers around the world from which the panoramic images are hosted and served.

So we’re pleased to announce the launch of CDN service for all of our panoramic images across 360Cities.

As a result of our CDN implementation, you can now view all panoramic images with lower latency and higher transfer speeds than ever before…wherever your location.

After rigorous testing, we chose Amazon Cloud Front as our CDN provider. One of the deciding factors is that Amazon serves our panoramic images from over 25 locations around the world. Since implementation, our panoramas are now loading in approximately 1/4 of the time as compared to pre-CDN implementation. In Europe and the Continental US, the speed improvement is even higher, with panoramic images loading in 1/7 the time it used to take!

Happy viewing!

12 thoughts on “360Cities panoramic images now loading faster than ever before

  1. Could this wondrous new acronym be responsible for the fact that image panning has suddenly become horribly jerky?
    (especially on Firefox, which is now unusable; Chrome not so bad, but worse than before).
    Please fix this if you can.


  2. When I read. “We’re pleased to announce the launch of a CDN service for all of our panoramic images across 360Cities.” I thought it was a service dedicated to Canada you launched. I did not think I was uploading that many panos. ….Faster is always better. Thanks.


  3. May be now you can sort out the JPEG upload all I get is ‘This could take a little while. Please be patient!’ hours later nothing happens. Give us an idea how long a 6000×3000
    Image from panomonkey should take to upload?


  4. I tested several times last month and I cannot confirm this is an improvement. Loading times might be a little faster but don’t really make a difference over here. The only difference I noticed is that the movement of the panorama’s is horribly jerky, worse than ever before. I don’t see how this could be related to the CDN service, but there must be an explanation (120Mbps cable network, Win7, Firefox 14.0.1)


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