New Mexico: Curiosity rover: Martian solar day 2

360° panorama by Andrew Bodrov.
Click the image to open the interactive version.

NASA’s MSL Curiosity missionSource Images: NASA/JPL-CaltechWith its rover named Curiosity, Mars Science Laboratory mission is part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. Curiosity was designed to assess whether Mars ever had an environment able to support small life forms called microbes. In other words, its mission is to determine the planet’s “habitability.” 

26 thoughts on “New Mexico: Curiosity rover: Martian solar day 2

  1. The panorama is great! Thanks for sharing.

    Compass viewing direction indicator appears to be off by ~90 degrees. The rover is pointed such that the RTG (big box sticking up from the rear of the rover) is actually toward the northwest. Panorama indicator shows it toward the northeast.


  2. This is such a fake. You forgot to take out the tell tale signs of computer animation. And further more, how the hell does the rover take a picture of itself from about 6 feet in the air with no signs of support. The camera is supposed to be attached to the rover stupid. The picture from the rovers NE and plus about 15 degree’s shows a floating camera. You are a dousch bag for faking this. And another thing you did a bad job at putting this together as a whole. Now the world knows that Andrew Bodrov is a fake and can not be trusted to even publish real claims. Nice job you fake.


  3. it looks amazing. i have one problem though, if thats the Sun shining brightly off in the sky ‘straight ahead’, how is the rovers shadow off to the left? thats physically impossible.


  4. WOW! amount of people that are that stupid that have wrote something here.
    stop trolling and fucking read these articles you fuckheads


  5. There?s no way that it could be a fake, the major networks went on and on in great detail about the Rover that was to be dropped to Mar?s surface and start doing research on it and taking pictures. Pay attn. to what?s going on on earth and off earth.


  6. This isn’t fake — it’s a very well-edited mosiac from real NASA photos —
    It is very well-blended, like a Google Street View.

    — JediJesse: Google Street View “looks” midair too; it doesn’t take a picture of itself; the camera is swivelling on a pole so the parallax effect “moves” the pole out of the way. Combining enough photos of itself pointing downwards, at many different rotations, you can eliminate the view of the pole that the camera is on, and leave only minor artifacts in the rotation centerpoint. You can still see evidence of where the pole is — look at the other NASA Images at and compare to this mosiac; you’ll see evidence of the pole.

    — Rob O’Brien: The shadows point in different directions only because it’s a mosiac. Different pictures are taken at diffrent times of the day. The mosiac is amazingly well-blended; Andrew Bodrov does a better job of blending mosiac’s than NASA’s automated software. On that note, Andrew spends a lot more time blending the images together.


  7. Read the headline: “New Mexico: Curiosity rover: Martian solar day 2”

    There are no solar-collectors on the rover.

    That´s a very well made interactive panorama from New Mexico – as it´s recognizable from the headline.

    So: what´s the problem? :-))



  8. ok: in the meantime i found out that Andrew Bodrov, who is named as the image´s author, did a new stitch from NASA images. That seems to explain the stunning quality and maybe the sun.

    The headline “New Mexico: Rover . . ” and the name Andrew Bodrov as the photographer is a bit irritating . . 😉



  9. 2 questions: 1) why no tire marks anywhere? 2) why is ther a joystick on the north facing toward the sun on the left front?? if it is designed to be remote why would it need a joystick as no human or hands to operate it.


  10. I too noticed the joystick object (or is it a sundial?). If it’s a joystick, was it for manoevering the rover during testing on Earth (so no need to enter commands through computer)? If I’m being fanciful, it’s a feature so future Mars explorers can hop on and hitch a ride on Curiosity. Great panorama, its now my desktop!


  11. Thank you, Garth Douglas, for doing your research and being diplomatic.
    This isn’t Hollywood, people. Believe it. This is ground breaking science and you should respect what these scientists have accomplished since it’s something you yourself couldn’t possibly begin to comprehend.


  12. These are the some of the first images returned from the Mars Science Laboritry (MSL or the Curisity Rover). She had not moved since landing at this time but she has now. Over 100metres. See for more details.
    The ‘joystick’ is a calibration device for the various cameras mounted on board. I love the thought of future manned missions going for a joy ride on MSL though 😉


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